Thursday 6 May 2010

A Farewell to Blogging!

This is the last post I shall put here. Maybe by some miracle I might one day in the distant future open this account up to show it to the next generation and have them laugh at me and the "old fart technology" that we used to create these little rants and ravings.

It has been interesting to read some of the blogs and down right boring to read others. So boring in fact that I feel it necessary to tell you at one point I was reading a blog that seemed like it was over 1000 words, though it was probably closer to 173.

I find it interesting that people can try to justify their own illegal and immoral behaviour and sleep at night. I also find it hard to see the hard stand people take on industries like prostitution, it is quite horrible to see people condemning when they have not sunk as low as to need to sell themself just to survive. The feeling one must have in ones soul when performing certain acts must be terrible.

Though blogging seems to be an interesting method of seeing into peoples minds!

Live and Let Live!!!!!

Thursday 22 April 2010

re:ms j. barleys blog on lying!

when i was a child i was taught that lying is wrong! i was also taught that if i wanted to spare someones feelings to say nothing at all. lies are lies black and white, blue or purple no matter how you want to see it a lie is what you do when you want to deceive someone. would you not say deception is wrong. though it is your interpretation of such a lie that matters. some people need to tell that little lie to make a person feel comfortable. however when i am backed into a corner and have to lie to dig myself out i feel the guilt for a long time after!!!!!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Internet Pornography and How Kids are Accessing it!!!

What is the prevelance of internet pornography? You can access it from any internet connection in the world if there are no filters set, and the ease of access children have to it is scandalous.

Every second US$3075.64 is being spent on internet pornography, every second 28,258 internet users view pornography, every second 372 internet users type adult search keywords into a search engine and finally every 39 minutes a new adult film is being filmed in America. These are just the tip of the iceberg. If you go to The full statistics are there ready for you to view. It appears horrifying to think that the world wide web that was designed to cut out the paper work and make life easier has turned into one of the easiest portals for viewing pornography. Apparently also making it easier for kids to access it.

How many times have you, like me, said to a 12 or 13 year old "this thing is driving me crazy" and they take one look at the computer and with two flicks of a button fixes whatever it is that is driving you crazy. Looking at the statistics you can see that, maybe unsurprisingly, that the average age of exposure to pornography on the internet is 11 years old. Though is it any wonder that when you put into a search engine any one of 26 childrens TV character names they apparently link to porn sites. 80% of 8 to 16 year olds have viewed hardcore porn whilst doing their homework, bringing new meaning to sex education. These statistics are here for you to see
With these quite astounding statistics is it any wonder that we appear to have a society that has children that seem to mature earlier than previous generations.

It is thus quite frightening that a large portion of the populus view accessing pornography as a norm. Even more frightening is the age that you can view it from. Being Bad is changing! Being Bad as a kid has gone virtual!

Friday 26 March 2010

re: MR Hussains post on drugs

"When you take magic mushrooms you feel that you are more confident, relaxed and in good spirited as well as this they can also speed up and slow down your sense of time and movement"

This I found on my colleagues webpage. All I want to say is I had a "friend" who took drugs and he did not feel like that, he felt like death warmed up. Maybe he had a bad batch though!!!


I was shocked to see just how many people have shoplifted all with the sincereset belief that it is ok because it is stealing from a shop.

Are you serious!!!!!

You thieve we pay, thats how it works, and we pay through the nose for it.

look up this page it is not often I agree with the sentiments in it but if the stats are true I am outraged.

Thursday 18 March 2010

RE:The Exploding Chameleon!!!!! and shooting Skippy dead!!

I can see your point in the cruelty to the poor animal. I do not know enough about the Chameleon to comment on their value as a pest to Mauritius. I am quite horrified at the nature of the death and would love to see some little Australian kid grab hold of a Frilled-Necked Lizard and shove a fag in its gob. (By the way me thinks the kid would get arterial bleed from a frillie)
Though the real reason I love this article is it reminds me of the response I give to people who ask me "Have you seen any Kangaroos in the wild?" To wit my response is "Yes just before I shot it!". It is a classic, they look at you absolutely gutted or crest fallen. They do not understand the vermin factor. They chew on pasture and create havoc on open stretches of road in droughts, when they come to feed and drink from the sides of the roads. There are, at last estimate, 50,000,000 Kangaroos in Australia double the human population.

the figures from this website show only populations roaming in pastural areas of Australia so it could be more than 50,000,000. So what if a few die, believe it or not there good to eat if cooked properly!!!! So why not shoot Skippy he's a big over grown rat!!!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Smoking Revised!!!

After I shot off in the wrong direction with relation to this, I have decided that in relation to the lecture we had on smoking this post shall be a little closer to the mark.

I am a smoker, I love smoking, I hate smoking, I think of it as a guilty pleasure and above all I am addicted to it. When I stop I find I am most depressed, tired and a terrible hypochondria descends upon me. I am ill and even dying. Thats the nature of withdrawl I guess. I have decided that smoking should be a ritual for pleasure. A moment in time like sex that you can enjoy and leave till the next time you wish to pleasure yourself. I love the draw and the feel that some part of my brain is being filled with a pleasant sensation that I only think about when I decide and try to quit.

The above webpage holds a quotation that explains how the white man took a commodity and lost all its mythological and ritual value. I am fully aware from what I have explained above that I am one of those people who thinks of it as a drug and an addiction I love to feed.

I want to say though, yes it is bad, however if it were ritualised to certain times of the calendar or day maybe the moderation with which we consumed it would reduce the ill affects.

I love lighting up after a moment of passion. The idea in the movies of the mid twentieth century the two cigarettes in an ashtray symbolised sex is merely a demonstration of the fashion of the time. A clever piece of imagery and maybe too a focus of ritual in a western way. It still amazes me to this day the amount of people who reply to the offer of a cigarette with "I only have one after sex". Is this a subtle unconscious change in our attitude to smoking.

Are we finally after several hundred years ritualising the smoke?