Thursday 4 March 2010

MASTURBATION, PROSTITUTION AND OTHER THINGS THAT WILL SEND YOU BLIND!!!: a reply to a load of other blogs I have read based solely on my own opinion.

I read and I respect the point of view that these things are disgusting, sinful, not healthy, harmful to the shape leading to difficulties in penetration, leading to venereal disease etc. The list is endless, I find the freedom and liberation that was so galantly fought for and given to us of the younger generations by the activists of the past century, whether they be suffragettes or hippies or governments fighting for our rights to freedom in countries that may like their way of life or may not wish to change their ways because that is the way they have lived for hundreds, even thousands of years is worrying.

Maybe we are better off hiding away in Victorian style from the subject of sex. Maybe we were better off having a wife and family and a mistress on the side to sort out our needs of the guilty arts. Maybe we should have the media gagged. Maybe we should get the police and social services to deal with the issues of sexual abuse but make sure the world does not see it (possibly not as mad as it seems, I for one would be less disgusted). I am ranting, am I not.

Back to reality, yes prostituion and masturbation may seem lewd and immoral. Yes prostitution should be legalised but we might need to look into the interests people hold in keeping it illegal.

Pornography is like prostitution in my view, yes you might find that difficult to cope with but while they are watching that they are not twitching the curtains trying to spot the lady next door changing. Forgive the pun but Masturbation seems to go hand in hand with pornography on that one. Rape may be less of a problem too, it stands to reason that if its available for a price or as a substitute, then maybe people would not force themselves onto others.

Finally and maybe stupidly, why the hell is hard core pornography available and not sex in the flesh available for purchase????? Does not make sense to me!!!

And with regard the other things that send you blind, that one is obvious, now you know why mummy told us not to run around with sticks, pencils and the like.

I think I need a drink!

1 comment:

  1. Hey your blog is "FABULOUS & OUTSTANDING". Indeed very inspirational.
